Who we are

Hoxie Street Hostel is located above the Legendary Coupland Texas Dancehall. 3500 sq ft of shared living, bath and community space with 7 queen size rooms. The story goes that back in the early 1900’s, the space was a doctors office and a “Brothel”. Portraits of the ladies still hang on the old brick walls in addition to other paintings and art dating back to old west times. The space is large with original creaky wood floors, 20 ft stamped tin ceilings and beautiful stained glass walls. You really will feel like you stepped back in time. Warning…after ascending 24 steps to the Loft space, immediately to your right you will find an old record player with an entire collection of old school country, blues and rock albums. Hurry up..drop that needle and settle in. It’s time to unwind. ** The dancehall and restaurant below are only open on Saturday nights and all day on Sundays. If you are staying with us during the week..there’s plenty to seek and find within 10 miles.

Hoxie Street Hostel

Let the Fun Begin